Sexuality Education and Health Advocacy in Social Service
Faculty Advisor: Nell Anderson
Field Site: YES! (Your Empowered Sexuality)
Field Supervisor: Isy Abraham-Raveson
My course has shifted a lot throughout the semester in terms of its direction and content, but it mostly focused on sexuality and health education in social context. I have contributed to YES’s efforts in educating communities on sex- and health-related topics, studied sex-ed by reading the Theory and Practice textbook, reflected on both my academic readings and fieldwork experiences in a journal, and developed an overall understanding of sexuality and health education in social context.
Praxis Presentation:
Please click here or on the image below to watch Hazel’s presentation.
I really enjoyed your video, Hazel. You are so relaxed and approachable as you share your experiences and I think this will inspire students who are interested in this topic as well as those who are thinking about creating a Praxis course in general. Your thoughts on healthism were very interesting, and something I will continue to think about. Thank you!
I enjoyed working with you this semester and appreciated learning more about YES! and about sexuality education. I love your video! You are a very approachable presenter and you give such a great overview of your Praxis process. I agree with Sydney that it will inspire others to develop Praxis courses.
As a social worker myself, I am glad that you have chosen to further your interest in health advocacy by pursuing a career in Social Work.