Anna Shuff, Literatures in English, BMC ’22

Student in Museum Studies Fieldwork Seminar (HART316)

Instructors: Prof. Monique Scott & Prof. Sylvia Houghteling

Field Site: The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco

Field Supervisor: Yael Eytan

Fieldwork Description:

The Museum Studies Fieldwork course aims to give students firsthand experience in museum work, an integral part of museum studies. This year, the course was carried out in conjunction with the San Francisco Asian Art Museum, where the students undertook internships with the museum’s Marketing and Communications department. My internship focused on metrics, collecting and organizing important museum data and statistics.

Praxis Presentation:

Please click here or on the image below to watch Anna’s presentation.

Please click here to access a PDF version of the presentation.

2 thoughts on “Anna Shuff, Literatures in English, BMC ’22

  1. Christina Altman

    The video was a good idea for this final project, it was really helpful in understanding all of your work. I know you and Peyton worked really hard this semester and had a lot of issues, but it’s good to see that you overcame your problems. It must be very rewarding to have worked so hard on a project that will continue to be helpful for the museum. Good job this semester!

  2. Liv Raddatz Post author

    What a clear and insightful presentation, Anna! I appreciated how you started out with the basics and explained key concepts and components related to your project before sharing the process of gathering and analyzing the data as well as your reflections. I was so happy to learn how much you grew through this experience. Thanks for sharing!

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