Inclusive Teaching in Computer Science
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Chris Murphy
Field Site: CodePath
Field Supervisors: Tejen Petal and Denize Ignacio
Course Description:
Inclusive Teaching is a course designed to investigate inclusivity in the computer science classroom. I have worked with as classroom instructor and TA assistant for students enrolled in their Android Development class. My responsibilities were holding class sessions and working with students on their class project as well as occasionally deliver and explain concepts. I also served as an active online TA for students who needed help working on their class project. Through my experience, I was able to see how students engage and preform in a computer science classroom in response to different pedagogies. Throughout the course, I wrote reflections on the classroom environment and learning resources after reading and learning about inclusivity in teaching from various articles and research papers.
Praxis Poster and Audio Narrative:
Please click here or on the image below to hear Menna present and expand upon her Praxis poster (below).
Please click here to access a PDF version of the poster.
I love your suggestions! You should look into the Bryn Mawr/Haverford Teaching and Learning Institute’s SaLT (Students as Learners and Teachers) program. Students partner with faculty to help them improve their pedagogy. Students attend their faculty partner’s classes and offer them suggestions for improvement, or work on them on developing assignments for next semester, or really do anything else related to pedagogy. If you’re interested in continuing this work at Bryn Mawr, you should consider doing it through the student partnership program—and you’ll be paid for it!!
Menna, I appreciate your thoughtful reflection on your experience as a TA for CodePath, and how it informed the suggestions you made for building a more inclusive course. I really liked the visual representation of your suggestions and found it very easy to follow. Great job!
Very interesting; though I have been teaching for years you suggest useful ways I could improve my process to make classes more inclusive.
What a well-designed poster with helpful suggestions for any teacher! Thanks for sharing what you learned with us.